Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 196 | Movies

Prompt: List your favorite movies.

Stephanie | I tend to like comedies the most. I have a different sense of humor, I like the goofy random stuff most people don't find amusing. At this stage in my life I don't have much time to watch movies, I get the occasional snip-it of whatever Disney movie my girls are watching while I work. My all time favorite move is The Shawshank Redemption. Growing up,I would catch pieces of it here and there on Lifetime, I saw it many times but always in sections, never in its entirety. Any time I found it playing, I had to stop at watch it, it sucked me in every time.

Annetta | I have a few favorite movies like Parent Trap, Pride & Prejudice, but the best of all is Ever After. I love chick flicks, christian based movies and real good periodical romances like North & South. When I married my husband I had to force him to watch movies with me as all he wanted to do was read, but now he offers to watch them expect I usually just want to read my books. It fascinates me how the tables have turned. I've watched all the awesome movies out there and am just waiting for more great ones to come out.

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